New Planting
The right planting can transform a garden. It’s not always necessary to re-design the whole garden including the hard landscaping to make a big difference, sometimes the re-planting of a garden can enhance the existing structure of the garden and bring the garden back to life. Often gardens have been planted in the past with a lot of shrubs which have matured into big blocks of green foliage in the garden which lack interest for a large part of the year and have to be continually cut back to keep them within the boundaries of the borders they occupy. It is all too easy to buy small shrubs in the garden centre which look lovely and interesting in the

Border – Before
small pots they occupy but grow to be too large for the average garden once planted in the ground.
In this garden, the owners have looked after their garden which was not overgrown with weeds or out of control. However, even in this case, the garden, which had good hard landscaping and structure showed little interest in the planting with a few shrubs which, in order to keep them under control were shaped into rounded shrubs regularly. The clients wanted a more interesting planting scheme in their garden with both structure and interest and lots more flowers.

Planting – Before
The design enhanced the shape of the borders by a row of box hedging alongside the edges and spring-flowering red lollipop shaped Camellia’s alongside the walls. These two elements are evergreen and provide both structure (box hedging) and colour (Camellia’s). The box plants are still small but once they mature and join together to form a low hedge to the fore of the borders the planting design will come together. Within the long narrow border, white Hydrangea Annabelle are spaced between the Camellia’s, which will provide amazing long flowering white flowers from August to September. The other border was filled with white Lavander, Campanula, Hellebores, Libertia and

Planting – After
Argyranthemum. It is also planned to plant lots of bulbs in the borders this autumn including white Daffodils, white and purple Tulips and purple Allium’s. It will look gorgeous in Spring!
Tagged: Planting