Starting off a New Year, let’s not forget the garden. Here are a few New Year’s Resolutions you will want to keep:
1) Water Conservation – It has been in the news so much that we should not forget about water use in the garden. There are many actions we can take which can be divided into ‘collecting water’ and ‘using water’ in the garden. All of us should invest in a water butt or collection system of some sort then we won’t feel so guilty about using it in the garden when we are eventually charged for it. Secondly, we should ensure that our gardens do not need to be watered regularly by planting plants which are not overly thirsty and can withstand dry conditions once established. We can also lock moisture into the ground by adding a layer of organic material to the surface of the soil such as a manure or bark mulch.
2) Welcome Wildlife into the Garden – We can encourage wildlife into the garden by providing food, water and shleter for birds, attracting bees and butterflies by planting plants with flowers and berries which they like and by using chemicals judicioulsy.
3) Grow Your Own – You don’t need a big garden to grow a few herbs or vegtables. You can even grow some in pots just outside your back door. Herbs grow great in pots as do some cut and come again salad leaves. Choose those vegtables that you eat most and which are easy to grow and give it a go!

Lettuce are easy to grow
4) Composting– It is amazing how much organic waste is created in our kitchens and which ends up in
landfill. This is valuable material and if composted right can be added to the soil in your garden instead of shop brought fertilisers. There are a number of commercial models on the market to make this easier for you. Do a bit of research and choose one which suits you. The plants will love you for it!
5) Enjoy your Garden – Probably the most important resolution. Sit back in your garden and enjoy the fruits of your labour with family and friends. There is no point putting all that work in if you don’t enjoy it afterwards.

Enjoy Your Garden
Lets hope for a good summer!
Tagged: Garden Maintenance