New Garden Design with Built in Seating

Garden Before Re-Design
This Garden Design was completed recently in Naas, Co Kildare. It is a garden design developed for entertaining with an expansive patio, integrated built in BBQ area and seating. However, it is also a garden design to keep the children happy with a children’s play frame and playhouse nicely positioned in the corner of the garden, to be on view but not take over the garden.
The garden design has a cottage like feel to it which comes from the use of reclaimed bricks, paving slabs spaced slightly apart and intermingled with decorative gravel coupled with a soft cottage style planting scheme.
The garden design has extended the house out into the garden with the sandstone patio finishing in a rectangular built in seat positioned in the south facing corner of the garden. The built in seat is surrounded on three sides with soft planting set in a raised planting bed and an overhanging Pergola.
A built in integrated bespoke BBQ area with adjacent seating was created in the east facing corner of the patio nearest the kitchen for ease of access. The built in BBQ is set in a frame made from reclaimed bricks with space for the BBQ in the centre and counters each side. There is dedicated shelving and cupboards provided under the BBQ for storage and the gas cannister. The built in BBQ is flanked by a raised bed on the right side and connects seamlessly to

New Garden Design for Entertaining & the Family
the rest of the garden and another built in seat on the left side to ensure the person doing the BBQ’ing has company! A Pergola is positioned in this corner of the garden also and backs up the seating with an extension over the BBQ. This will provide an attractive backdrop to this area as well as providing a partial canopy over the BBQ once the climbers start to grow.

New Built in BBQ Garden Design
Borders finished in a reclaimed brick edge provide a back drop to the patio which is set off by a reclaimed brick wall at the rear supporting a raised lawn. A rock water feature is positioned within this border on direct view from the picture window of the house which will be lit up at night to add to the atmosphere of this space for evening entertaining.
Garden steps, offset from the house and curving in line with the connecting walls are positioned off centre and connect the patio to a new lawn. The lawn is edged in reclaimed bricks to provide an easily maintained edge for the surrounding borders and a mowing strip.
The children’s play area is backed by a row of bamboo and finished on the outside with some soft planting to provide a partial screen. The ground surface is finished in bark mulch for safety.
A three pronged strategy is employed to reduce the visual impact of the surrounding wooden fences. To help them recede into the background, the fences are painted a very dark shade of slate grey. The new features in the garden, including three new pergolas, which are painted a complimentary shade of Willow, are positioned in the corners of the garden and also assist in distracting the eye from the boundaries. Attractive planting on the boundary, including climbers clambering over the pergolas will finish and help to disguise the boundaries once mature.
As the owners love their plants, all the topsoil in the garden was replaced and the plants are now thriving, so it won’t be long before the garden starts to look mature. It is a beautiful garden design and the owners are very happy with their new garden which is everything they wished for.
Tagged: Back Garden Design, Garden Design Dublin, Garden Design Ideas