Garden Design for Art Deco Collection

Art Deco Garden Design

Art Deco Garden Design

When completing a garden design for any client one always has to take into account, the individual clients specific requirements including likes, dislikes, needs and wants.   However, sometimes one comes across  clients with very specific needs.    In this case the clients had an extensive collection of outside sculptures, including both modern pieces and art deco.   They loved visiting salvage yards and had also acquired a large collection of salvaged landscaping materials, including old Dublin reclaimed bricks,

Brick Wall with Blue Tile Detail

Brick Wall with Blue Tile Detail

terracotta tiles of many sizes and shades, old chimney pots and many other interesting items.    They wanted to use as much of their collection in the new garden design.

The garden itself was not large and was quite narrow relative to its width, it was located in a mature old area of south Dublin with a terraced brick frontage.    The garden design transformed the garden into an attractive and usable outdoor space to compliment the house and provide a wonderful backdrop for the client’s art deco collection.    The design incorporates free-flowing curving lines and soft planting schemes to produce a garden which entices you out into it to

Shady Corner

Shady Corner

explore and enjoy. Reclaimed bricks, terracotta tiles and the client’s collection of salvaged building materials were used throughout the design to create a truly original garden which is a haven to escape into and relax. The design was developed to allow the placement of the Art Deco collection around the garden so that it was set off to its best advantage to be admired and enjoyed.

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